2. Expanded Functions
(1) The maximum message text length is limited to 255 bytes.
(2) Shortening expression for starting register, bank, number and data
(MW only) are available. E.g. F9 for F00009.
When shortening expression is used, the maximum number of MW
command can be increased more than 46 words. In this case, it is
limited by the maximum message text length (255 bytes).
(3) When an error has occurred, error response CE or EE is returned.
⋅ If designated register or bank is out of the effective range, EE115
(register no./size error) is returned.
⋅ If IC memory card is not installed or MMR setting for PU slot is not
made, EE128 (No IC card error) is returned.
⋅ If IC memory card is used for program storage, EE132 (IC card type
error) is returned.
⋅ If IC memory card is set as write-protect, EE134 (IC card write-
protect error) is returned.
(4) For general information of computer link function, refer to T-series
Computer Link Operation Manual.