1. T3H Overview
Instruction execution speed (continued)
Name Symbol Execution
time (
Name Symbol Execution
time (
171 Deviation square PID2 25.28 203 Double-word BCD DB
C 48.12
PID subtraction with
172 Sine function SIN 14.94 carry
173 Cosine function COS 15.44 204 Floating point FLT 5.03
174 Tangent function TAN 4.24 conversion
175 Arc-sine function ASIN 4.64 205 Fixed point FIX 5.03
176 Arc-cosine function ACOS 5.04 conversion
177 Arc-tangent function ATAN 192.28 206 Floating point FABS 4.5
178 Exponential function EXP 169.28 absolute value
179 Logarithm LOG 217.28 207 Floating point sign FNEG 4.68
180 Absolute value ABS 3.76 inversion
181 Double-word DABS 4.32 208 Floating point F+ 14.44
absolute value addition
182 2’s complement NEG 3.6 209 Floating point F
183 Double-word 2’s DNEG 4.68 subtraction
complement 210 Floating point F
184 Double-word DW 4.12 multiplication
conversion 211 Floating point F/ 12.06
185 7-segment decode 7SEG 3.76 division
186 ASCII conversion ASC 9.29 212 Floating point F> 7.2
+0.33n greater than
188 Binary conversion BIN 13.86 213 Floating point F>= 7.2
189 Double-word binary DBIN 32.58 greater than or
conversion equal
190 BCD conversion BCD 13.86 214 Floating point equal F= 6.31
191 Double-word BCD DBCD 13.52 215 Floating point not F<> 6.31
conversion equal
192 BCD addition B+ 25.26 216 Floating point less F< 7.22
193 BCD subtraction B
25.26 than
194 BCD multiplication B
39.66 217 Floating point less F<= 7.18
195 BCD division B/ 34.86 than or equal
196 Double-word BCD DB+ 48.86 218 Floating point upper FUL 8.46
addition limit
197 Double-word BCD DB
46.86 219 Floating point lower FLL 8.5
subtraction limit
198 Double-word BCD DB
106.88 220 Floating point dead FDB 20.68
multiplication band
199 Double-word BCD DB/ 86.12 221 Floating point FRT 54.3
division square root
200 BCD addition with B+C 25.92 222 Floating point PID FPID 201.98
carry 223 Floating point FPID2 217.48
201 BCD subtraction B
C 26.12 deviation square
with carry PID
202 Double-word BCD DB+C 47.32 224 Floating point sine FSIN 129.08
addition with carry 225 Floating point FCOS 148.48