Basic configuration tasks
For detailed information on the various fields, see the Online
Help for the appropriate application window.
Detecting devices
Main window > Devices > VRM & iSCSI Devices
Scan > Bosch VMS Scan Wizard dialog box
You scan the network to detect the following devices:
– VRMs
– Video Streaming Gateway
– ONVIF cameras,
– iSCSI devices: you add them manually.
– Live only and local storage encoders
You scan for each device group separately. Just right-click the
appropriate item in the Device Tree, for example right-click VRM
Devices and click Scan VRM Devices.
To scan VRM devices:
1. Select the desired check boxes for the device types that
you want to integrate.
Click Next >>.
2. Select the desired check boxes for the VRM devices that
you want to integrate.
Click Next >>.
Click Add iSCSI device.
The Add iSCSI Device dialog box is displayed.
4. Type a desired display name, the IP address of an iSCSI
device, and the device type and click OK.
The iSCSI device is added to Scan Wizard.
Bosch Video
Management System
Basic configuration tasks | en
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Quick Start Manual 2012.07 | V1 | F.01U.269.054