– Video loss
– Connection to the camera lost
– No permission to display the camera
– Camera not configured
In addition, for sequences displayed on an analog monitor via a
decoder, DiBos cameras cannot be displayed.
When the configuration is changed and activated, a camera se-
quence (pre-configured or automatic) usually is continued after
restart of the Operator Client.
But in the following cases the sequence is not continued:
A monitor where the sequence is configured to be displayed
has been removed.
The mode of a monitor (single/quad view) where the sequence
is configured to be displayed has been changed.
The logical number of a monitor where the sequence is config-
ured to be displayed is changed.
To start a camera sequence:
1. Select an Image pane where you want the sequence to be
Right-click a folder in the Logical Tree or Favorites Tree
window and click Show as sequence in selected Image
The cameras of the selected folder are displayed one after
the other in the selected Image pane.
indicates that the
sequence is running.
To pause a camera sequence:
In the Image window toolbar, click .
The sequence stops playing, as indicated by .
Bosch Video
Management System
Basic operation tasks | en
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Quick Start Manual 2012.07 | V1 | F.01U.269.054