Clover Electronics CDR1650 DVR User Manual

6. How to Operate
The Power On/Off button and the Audio buttons (See section 6-7.4) as shown in Fig.6-3-1 will
always stay on the MENU bar when the system is not connected through the DVR Master
(Client Host Program or Internet Explorer). But the Power On/Off button and the Audio
buttons on the MENU bar as shown in Fig.6-3-1 will be disappeared on the screen of the
DVR and the client’s computer when the system is connected through the DVR Master and
the mouse pointer is on the DVR Master (See Fig. 6-3-2).
We designed this function so that users can not turn the power On/Off or control the audio
functions on the DVR system through internet.
[Fig.6-3-1 Power & Audio buttons]
To appear the buttons (See Fig.6-3-1) on the MENU bar: just move the Mouse-
pointer on the screen of the DVR system only, not on the DVR Master.
[Fig.6-3-2 No Power & Audio buttons]