Press ENT , and LCD will show the comparison information as follows.
Compare- DVD 0%
4213.4MB 1:05:06
When comparison comes to an end, LCD will show the results as follows.
Compare OK: 1
Fail: 0 Diff: 0
Press ENT to see the details of source 1 as shown below.
Src: 01 DVD-ROM
Total: 4213.4MB
Press ENT to see the details of source 2. If the comparison is identical, LCD will
show the message as follows.
Tgt: 00 HDD P: A
If comparison fails, LCD will show the failure. By pressing ENT twice, LCD will
show that the contents of source 1 and those of source 0 do not match as follows.
Tgt: 00 HDD P: A
TOC not match
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