HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006 33
The country code. Range: 0 to 255; any value x>255 is treated as x%256.
The extension number. Range: 0 to 255; any value x>255 is treated as x%256.
The manufacturer code. Range: 0 to 65535; any value x>65535 is treated as
• In Section 4.16, Registration, on page 113, the fourth bullet item in the second list
[“Once an application is registered, if it wishes to handle calls without the registration
protocol (that is, return to the same node as before registration), it can simply
deregister.”] is incorrect and should be ignored.
• In Section 7.2.26, gc_Start() Variances for IP, the note following the #define
IP_CFG_MAX_AVAILABLE_CALLS applies to both HMP Windows and Linux
versions, and should read:
Note:Do not use IP_CFG_MAX_AVAILABLE_CALLS with applications running on
HMP, since IP_CFG_MAX_AVAILABLE _CALLS will intitialize the stack for
2016 channels. This is an inefficient use of system resources, resulting in a
lengthy initialization time and substantial memory use.
• In Section 7.2.17, gc_OpenEx() Variancesfor IP, the following note should be
Note:Applications should avoid closing and re-opening devices multiple times.
Board devices and channel devices should be opened during intialization and
should remain open for the duration of the application.