HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006 9
1.2.1 Assumptions and Prerequisites
The following are basic requirements to install and run the HMP software:
• Before installing the HMP Software, make sure that the system meets the hardware
and software “System Requirements” as described the HMP Software Release Guide.
These requirements include the following:
– A system with either Red Hat Enterprise Linux including Update 1 or Update 3
installed (You must also install the Intel-provided kernel on top of the base
Red Hat release. See the README file of this HMP release.) or SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server installed (includes kernel version 2.6.8-24).
– A minimum of 512MB of RAM if running without an X Windows System.
– A minimum of 1GB of RAM if running in an X Windows System.
– The machine must be able to resolve its name to an IP address, either using DNS
or the /etc/hosts file. If it cannot resolve its name, HMP will NOT start.
• To install the software, you must have local administrative privileges. Contact your
network administrator to set up administrative privileges as required.
• Uninstall any previous version of the HMP Software (or any Intel® Dialogic® system
Note that the HMP Service Update software has three install scripts:
• One at the top level which installs both runtime components as well as header files
(run this one to be able to compile your application) (recommended)
• One in the redistributable-runtime directory, which installs runtime components (no
header files)
• One in the sdk directory, which installs header files for application development
1.2.2 Order of Procedures
This section describes the order in which the installation procedures must be performed.
If this is a new install, before you use the HMP Software, you must obtain a license file
containing HMP license data. You can obtain a license before or after you install the HMP
Software. A verification license supplied with the software will allow you to run the
verification demo (IP Media Server demo) to confirm that you have installed the HMP
Software properly. However, its features are limited and you may want to obtain another
license. For more information, refer to the Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2
for Linux License Manager Administration Guide.
The basic order of the installation process is as follows:
1. Install the HMP 1.2 Service Update software as described in Section 1.2.3, “Installing
the Service Update”, on page 10.
2. Use the License Manager application to configure the system. This consists of
activating an HMP Software license (refer to the Host Media Processing Software 1.2
for Linux Installation Guide).