Mitsubishi Electronics VS-45502 Projection Television User Manual

* Understanding the On-Screen Displays
You will see a display like
this if your main source is
an antenna:
You will see a display like
this if your main source is
an input:
You will see a display like
this if you are using XDS:
Your TV provides an on-scree:n summary of the current se'_tings for
the TV or cable channels, as well as the int3)rmation related to
Extended Data Services (XDS). XDS allows broadcasters to supply
you with the current time, channel information (such as call letters
and the network name), and program information (such as the
program name and program description). To view this information,
press the information button (INFO) on the remote control.
network name Ant-A023 ESPN
Stereo & SAP
program name
program description
Thursday 10:23 am
network name Input-1
program name
program description
Thursday 10:23 am
network name
program name
program description
This setting shows:
antenna (A) and channel
numbe: _(23)
the channel's call letters or
stereo and SAP are available
channel programmed into
SuperQuickView '_'memory
channel :isthe QuiekView (QV)
PIP input source
currenL day of the week
This setting shows:
the inpul_ name (Input-i)
S-video cable is connected
PIP input source
current (lay of the week
This setting shows where the
network name, program name
and program description will
appear il"t]_e broadcaster is
supplying ;he information via
XDS. This program information
will only be present if the broad-
caster is supplying the informa-
The on-screen displays will
automatically disappear after
about 10 seconds.
XDS program information will only be present if the broadcaster is
supplying the information.
86 Chapter 4: Using the Special Features