20 Pelco Manual C680M-G (7/01)
When an alarm input on the rear of the DVR is triggered, two things can happen:
• The DVR will start recording.
• The alarm output relay will turn on a light or other device to alert you that there has
been an alarm.
Application example:
A company has a rear door that is not to be opened for any reason between 5 p.m. and 7
a.m. During the day, the area around this door is recorded continuously, but the area is only
recorded at night if the door is opened. The owner does not want to review the video unless
the door was opened after hours.
In this case, the alarm output relay would be programmed to enable at 5 p.m. and disable at
7 a.m. (refer to
Alarm Output Menu
in the
section). The DX1000 would also
be programmed for automatic (continuous) recording from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and event
(alarm) recording from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. (refer to
Camera Menu
in the
At 5 p.m. continuous recording would cease. If an alarm input is activated, the DVR would
immediately begin recording the associated camera. The relay would latch closed after the
20-second delay. When the owner returned in the morning, a light attached to the relay
output would be on, indicating that there was an alarm during the night. A search for re-
corded video starting at 5 p.m. would immediately take you to the first alarm event. All
other events could be reviewed in sequence.
Once the relay is triggered, it remains on until you manually turn it off. You can set the relay
to arm itself automatically or you can manually arm the relay.
This relay operates independently of the event (alarm) recording in the camera setup
menus. The relay does not start alarm recording. It only operates the device connected to
the ALARM connectors on the rear panel.
Arming the Relay
Automatic armament is done in the Alarm Output menu, in which you specify the hours that
the relay will operate if there is an alarm.
To manually arm the relay:
1. Press and hold the Function button. The Function Key List appears. Keep holding the
Function button.
2. Press and release the Search backward (<<) button, and then release the Function but-
ton. A 60-second countdown begins (the numbers appear on the screen) before the re-
lay is armed. This is an exit feature that allows you to leave the area without tripping the
alarm. Once the relay is armed, it remains armed until it is triggered or you disarm it.
0 : Setup
1 : Camera 1 recording/stop
2 : Camera 2 recording/stop
3 : Camera 3 recording/stop
4 : Camera 4 recording/stop
5 : All the cameras recording
6 : All the cameras stop
: Alarm On
: Alarm Off