Operating Controls (Detailed Information )
The uses of the controls for basic operation are on page 10. Now
that you are familiar with the basic procedure for recording a TV
program and playing it back, you are ready to learn the rest of the
control functions,
The controls of your VCR are designed so that:
• Accidentally pressing a wrong button will not damage the VCR
or the cassette.
• Non-essential buttons are disabled during recording to help
you avoid accidental interruptions
• Operation of the VCR is automatic whenever this is feasible
• Automatic recording functions (Timer and XPR) will not disturb
normal TV viewing,
• If you run out of tape during playback or normal recording, the
VCR rewinds it and stops automatically. If tape runs out during
Timer or Express Recording, the VCR stops without rewinding.
• Because of these features, the functions of some control but-
tons depend on the condition of the VCR at the time they are
, r
O POWER: When the VCR is turned off, the timer is automati-
cally turned on if it has been programmed, When the VCR is
turned on, the timer is automatically turned off. Your VCR
will not make a timer recording if it is already turned on at
the time,
The power button operates differently during Timer and
Express recording. Press POWER, STOP, POWER in that
order to stop and turn off the VCR.
The VCR will stop and turn off if you press the POWER but-
ton during Recording, Playback, or Fast Forward. If you
press it during rewind, the VCR will continue rewinding until
it is finished and then turn off.
O EJECT: The EJECT button will not operate
when the VCR is
recording. It will eject the cassette in any other mode of
_XPR: Complete information is on page 22.
CHANNEL: information is 10.
Complete on
PLAY: The PLAY button is normally used to begin playback
when the VCR is stopped. It is also used to switch to slow-
motion operation when the VCR is paused during playback
for stop-action viewing. Slow Motion and Stop Action are
explained on the next page. The PLAY button is inactive
when the VCR is recording.
_PAUSE: Pausing during a recording stops the tape so that
nothing will be recorded. When you press the PAUSE button
a second time, recording resumes immediately. Pausing
during playback produces a Stop-Action picture and press-
ing it again resumes normal playback. REC or PLAY in the
display unit flashes during a pause. Additional information
about Recording Pause and Stop Action is on the next
REWIND/SEARCH 44: This is the REWIND button when
the VCR is stopped. Once you have pressed it, the VCR will
rewind to the beginning of the tape (or to a counter reading
of 000O) unless you press the STOP button.
This same button becomes SEARCH << when the VCR is
playing. Picture Search is explained on page 17,
The REWIND/SEARCH button is inactive during recording.
O F.FWD/SEARCH IH_: This is the FAST FORWARD button
when the VCR is stopped. Once you have pressed it, the
tape will continue to "fast forward'* until you press the
STOP button. If you do not press the STOP button, the VCR
will "fast forward** to the end of the tape and then automati-
cally rewind to the beginning of the tape and stop. Refer to
"Memory Stop'* on the page 17 for more information.
This same button becomes SEARCH IPl_ when the VCR is
playing. Picture Search is explained on page 17.
The FAST FORWARD button is inactive during recording.
RECORD: The RECORD button never functions unless you
press PLAY at the same time. Normally you press both but-
tons to begin recording when the VCR is stopped. You can
switch directly from Playback to Recording by pressing both
buttons when the VCR is playing.
_STOP: The STOP button will whatever the VCR is
doing, both the normal functions of Record, Play, Rewind,
and Fast Forward; and the Special-Effects functions
described on the next pages.
TAPE SPEED: The Effects features of VCR
Special your
(Stop Action, Picture Search, and Slow Motion) work best
on tapes recorded at the lowest tape speed -- Super Long
Play or SLP. Since this speed also uses the least tape, it is
generally preferred for all the recording you do.
information is 10 and 12.
(_ TUNER/LINE: Selects the source to be recorded.
The TUNER position is used for recording from the VCR's
built-in tuner. The LINE position is for recording video and
audio connected to the input jacks on the back of the
recorder. When the switch is in the LINE position, the warn-
ing light comes on in the display unit and the channel indi-
cator is turned off. Always check that this switch is set to
TUNER when you are going to make a timer recording.
COUNTER: Press this button to turn on the
counter and press it again to restore the normal clock dis-
play. Refer to "Tape Counter" and "Memory Stop" on the
next page,
RESET: Refer to "Tape Counter" and "Memory Stop" on
the next page.
TRACKING: Refer to "Tracking Adjustment" on the next
O Refer "Slow Motion" on 17.SLOW
TRACKING: to page
_) CHANNEL PROGRAMMING: See page 11 for complete
_) RESET; Push the switch within the hole located on
the bottom of VCR if the indication or operation of the
display appears abnormal.