- Only files with the “.jpg” and “.JPG” extensions can be played.
- If the disc is not finalized, it will take longer to start playing and not all of the recorded files may be played.
- Only CD-R discs with JPEG files in ISO 9660 or Joliet format can be played.
- The name of the JPEG file may not be longer than 8 characters and should contain no blank spaces or
special characters (. / = +).
- Only a consecutively written multi-session disc can be played. If there is a blank segment in the multi-
session disc, the disc can be played only up to the blank segment.
- A maximum of 3000 images can be stored on a single CD.
- Kodak Picture CDs are recommended.
- When playing a Kodak Picture CD, only the JPEG files in the pictures folder can be played.
- Kodak Picture CD: The JPEG files in the pictures folder can be played automatically.
- Konica Picture CD: If you want to see the Picture, select the JPEG files from the clips menu.
- Fuji Picture CD: If you want to see the Picture, select the JPEG files in the clips menu.
- QSS Picture CD: The unit may not play a QSS Picture CD.
- If the number of files on one Disc is over 3000, only the first 3000 JPEG files can be played.
- If the number of folders on one Disc is over 300, only JPEG files in the first 300 folders can be played.
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