Samsung SVR-1640 DVR User Manual

9 SUBNET MASK : Input the [SUBNET MASK] address obtained from the internet service
company of the user.
9 GATEWAY : Input the [GATEWAY] address obtained from the internet service company of
the user.
9 DNS : Input the [DNS] address obtained from the internet service company of the user.
9 PORT : [PORT] assigned when connecting to a computer can be changed. If port is changed
in the DVR, When the network setup is changed, it takes time to setup the network module
again. Connect after 1~2 minutes. Port number can be setup depending on network
conditions (firewall etc.).
9 SWR : If the product is connected to a cable modem or a xDSL modem, IP address will
change each time connection to ISP (User’s communicaton company server) is attempted. In
this case, the user will not know the changed IP address. If a product using a floating IP is
registered on the SWR server, the changed IP can be found when attempting connection with
the product. To register an IP address on the SWR, setup [SWR] item to ON. Changed IP
address can be verified from FUNCTION-STATUS (SYSTEM INFORMATION 2).
5.9.2 RS-232
Setup items needed to connect with the computer connected to the product through the serial port.
9 BAUD RATE : Setup the data transmission speed per second.
9 DATA BIT : Setup the data transmission bit.
9 PARITY BIT : Setup the error check method for data transmission.
9 STOP BIT : Setup bit to include when data transmission has been completed.