> Use the arrow up/down keys to mark the line All, in order to scan all active
satellites for programmes, or select a specific satellite in order to search for program-
mes only from that source.
> Choose by pressing the green function key whether you want so search only for fre-
ely available programmes (Search all free) or whether you also want to search for
encrypted programmes (Search all).
> Confirm by pressing the red function key (“Start search”).
The scan will commence. Please note further information that appears on screen.
> Press the red function key again to end the scan.
A full scan may take more than 15 minutes.
Please also note any additional information provided on screen.
7.4.2 Transponder
Use this menu point to search for programmes specifically from a particular transponder (see
Point 9 Technical Terms. For this, it is necessary to enter the transponder data.
> Use the arrow up/down keys to mark the line Transponder.
> Confirm by pressing OK.
The menu >Search>Transponder will be displayed.
In this line, mark the satellite on which the selected transponder is installed.
> Use the arrow up/down keys to mark the line Satellite.
> Press the OK key to display a table of active satellites.
> Use the arrow up/down keys to mark the desired satellite.
> Confirm by pressing OK.
The selected satellite will now be displayed in the line Satellite.
Transponder frequency
> Use the arrow up/down keys to mark the line Transponder frequency.
> In this line, enter the required frequency by means of the numeric keys.
Symbol rate
The symbol rate indicates the volume of data transmitted per second. For instance, this can
be 27500 (27500 symbols per second).
> Use the arrow up/down keys to mark the line Symbol rate.
> Use the numeric keys to enter the desired symbol rate.
> Use the arrow up/down keys to mark the line Polarisation.
> In this line, use the OK key to enter the polarisation plane (horizontal or vertical) on
which the desired programme is broadcast.
> Use the green function key to select whether you want to search only freely receiva-
ble programmes (Search all free) or whether you also want to search encrypted
programmes (Search all).
DIGIBOX1_englisch.qxd 26.09.01 09:55 Seite 28