165-072011 THCD-100 Power Supply Page 14 of 28
Input Screen
This screen allows you to change the input channel range and fullscale voltage (see the Principles
section (5.2) for more information on this) and also assign a units label (up to 5, non-scaling
characters) for the channel data. The number of decimal places selected on the range field dictates
the number of decimal places shown for the input channel data on the Main screen. To reduce the
number of decimal places, change the number under the edit cursor to a decimal point and the
system will auto format the field when ‘Zero’ is pressed.
Switch Functions:
Go back to Main Menu screen
◄ Select previous character when in edit mode
► Select next character when in edit mode
▲ Move edit field selection up
▼ Move edit field selection down
Zero Go to edit mode for currently selected field
e) Filtering Screen
This screen allows the user to modify the band and buffer size of the adaptive filter. The filter only
applies to the display and serial communications output readings. The band is represented as a
percentage of FS and can be set between 0.00% (OFF) and 1.00% and also to ON. The buffer size
allows settings between 0 and 6 seconds of filtering. For more information on the adaptive filter, see
the Principles section (5.6)
Switch Functions:
Go back to Main Menu screen
Select previous character when in edit mode
► Select next character when in edit mode
▲ Move edit field selection up
▼ Move edit field selection down
Zero Go
to edit mode for currently selected field