165-072011 THCD-100 Power Supply Page 15 of 28
f) Comms Menu Screen
The Comms Menu screen provides options for setting the serial communication’s baud rate, address
and RS232/RS485 protocol.
Switch Functions:
Go back to Main Menu screen
◄ Go to previous menu selection
► Go to next menu selection
▲ No function
▼ No function
Zero Go to screen associated with menu selection
g) Serial Screen
The main configuration item on the serial screen allows you to select the baud rate of the THCD-
100 for serial communication. The allowed baud rates are 9600, 19200 & 57600. There is also an
address field that is mainly used for identifying a particular unit if several are connected together on
an RS485 network. All commands sent to the unit must be prefixed with the address letter (see
section 5.2 for more information). Valid letters are ‘a’ to ‘h’. The other editable field is used to tell
the THCD-100 whether it is on an RS485 serial network.
Switch Functions:
Go back to Main Menu screen
◄ Select previous character when in edit mode
► Select next character when in edit mode
▲ Move edit field selection up
▼ Move edit field selection down
Zero Go to edit mode for currently selected field