Serial Communications
50 Vidikron Vision Model 90t and Model 100t Owner’s Operating Manual
Input Selection Commands
COMPONENT NA YES Selects the Component input
COMPOSITE NA YES Selects the Composite video input
DVI1 NA YES Selects the DVI 1 input
DVI2 NA YES Selects the DVI 2 input
HD1 NA YES Selects the RGB HD 1 input
HD2 NA YES Selects the RGB HD 2 input
INPUT? NA NA Returns active input
SVIDEO1 NA YES Selects the S-Video 1 input
SVIDEO2 NA YES Selects the S-Video 2 input
Aspect Ratio Commands
ANAMORPHIC NA YES Selects the Anamorphic aspect ratio
ASPECT? NA NA Returns current aspect ratio
ASPECTIN? NA NA Returns the input source aspect ratio
ASPECTOUT? NA NA Returns output screen size
CINEMA NA YES Selects the Cinema aspect ratio
INTELLIWIDE NA YES Selects the IntelliWide aspect ratio
INTELLI235 NA YES Selects the IntelliWide 2.35 aspect ratio
LETTERBOX NA YES Selects the Letterbox aspect ratio
OUT169 NA YES Sets the output screen to 1.78:1 (16:9)
OUT235 NA YES Sets the output screen to 2.35:1
STANDARD NA YES Selects the Standard (4:3) aspect ratio
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)