210 - User's Manual
Appendix B ONVIF Support
1. You may connect cameras made by other manufacturers to the system as long as their firmware
supports the ONVIF. You may upgrade their rmware if the newer rmware supports ONVIF.
2. The supported ONVIF revision is 2.2.
3. Currently, the system supports ONVIF-compatible cameras by Sony, Panasonic, Bosch, and Axis.
Limitations & Not-supported Features:
1. The system will not display the status of cameras* (ONVIF-compatible cameras by other
manufacturers) on the device tree, e.g., as online or off-line.
* All "cameras" mentioned henceforth will refer to the ONVIF-compatible cameras by other
2. The system does not support HTTPS encrypted connection to the cameras.
3. The Focus, Iris, Pan, Patrol, and Preset location buttons will not be supported via the PTZ panel.
4. Does not support the Batch Insert Camera function.
5. Does not support the Camera Conguration function (opening a web session with the camera).
6. Does not suppor the Search function.
7. Does not support the Active Adaptive Stream (AAS) function.
8. Does not support the event-related functions: event recording, event management, instant playback,
event search).
9. Does not support the Two way Audio function (may be supported by later releases of software).
10. Does not support Auto Stream Size function.
11. The ONVIF-related account and password may not be identical to those set for a management
console. For example, an ONVIF-compatible Axis camera can not be congured via a web console.
A conguration tool is applied instead. Users need to consult the instructions by their vendors.
12. The maximum number of multiple proles from each camera is 4.
13. The Click on Image function is not supported.
Supported Features:
1. Supports the display of icons for ONVIF cameras*
* All "cameras" mentioned henceforth will refer to the ONVIF-compatible cameras by other
2. Supports Insert/Update/Delete cameras:
2-1. Camera model.
2-2. Connection test.
2-3. Camera password authentication.
2-4. HTTP streaming protocol.
2-5. Multiple streaming
3. Live view/recording/playback
4. Audio G.711 codec.
5. Mechanical PTZ: not including Focus, Iris, Pan, Patrol, and Preset locations.