User's Manual - 87
g. To modify the settings of a path, select the path from the list, then click Change settings to modify.
h. To delete a path, select the path from the list and click
Delete path. A warning dialog box will pop
up as shown below.
i. By default, all devices are assigned to the Default Storage Group in the window to the right. You
can select device(s) from the list and click <- to delete device(s) (or right-click the device under
DefaultGroup tree to delete it). Note that a Delete Camera dialog box will pop up. Click Yes to delete
the device along with the recorded data; click No to delete the device but retain the recorded data;
click Cancel to cancel the delete action. Please note that only those designated devices can record
j. Click >> to add devices to the DefaultGroup.
k. Delete recorded data older than the duration: If you only want to retain recorded data for a period
of time, select this item and enter a number of day(s). In addition, since VAST Server will do "cyclic
recording" automatically, the oldest le will be overwritten by the latest one when the capacity is full.
l. When completed, click Apply to confirm and save your settings. If you want to cancel all of your
editing, click Restore to return to the previous settings or click close to discard the settings.
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