800032-01 Rev. F 8 www.wegener.com
Demodulator/FEC (Cont.)
Max E
@ Quasi-error-free threshold
(less than one uncorrected error-event per
2. Turbo-QPSK:
3. Turbo-8PSK:
4. Turbo-16QAM:
QPSK R=1/2: 4.5 dB,
QPSK R=2/3: 5.0 dB,
QPSK R=3/4: 5.5 dB,
QPSK R=5/6: 6.0 dB,
QPSK R=7/8: 6.4 dB
R=1/2: 2.4 dB
R=3/4: 3.6 dB
R=2/3: 4.8 dB
R=3/4(I): 5.4 dB
R=3/4(II): 5.8 dB
R=5/6: 6.8 dB
R=8/9: 8.2 dB
R=3/4: 6.6 dB
RF Power Level Estimator
(locked to carriers or not)
Unitless metric SIGNAL corresponds to input power as follows:
above -25dBm
below -65dBm
Extrapolated from 90 up to 100+
90 -55dBm 30
70 -65dBm 10
50 no signal <0
Extrapolate from 10 down to <0
Accuracy: unit to unit <±5 dBm; over frequency <±10 dBm
LNB DC Power (supplied on RF center conductor)
Activation User- or network-controlled selectable: ON or OFF
Voltage ~ +18.7 VDC nominal at no loading, +18.0 VDC min. at max loading
Current (full load) 350 mA max
Short-circuit protection Thermal fuse, tripping at ~500 mA.
European “Universal LNB” Software may be upgraded for “Universal Single LNB” polarization
and freq-band control per ASTRA recommendation
Turbo Receiver with 4-Port Switch Option
RF Switch Input 4-port, single-throw switch
Input Impedance 75Ω unbalanced
Isolation, port-to-port > 45 dB, 950-1450 MHz
> 40 dB, 1450-2150 MHz
Input VSWR, 75-Ω system, selected port < 1.9:1 (10 dB R.L. min), 950-1450 MHz
< 1.9:1 (10 dB R.L. min), 1450-2150 MHz
Input VSWR, 75-Ω system, unselected port < 1.9:1 (10 dB R.L. min), 950-1450 MHz
< 1.9:1 (10 dB R.L. min), 1450-2150 MHz
Surge Resistance Guaranteed survival from up to 10 direct-coupled 8kV discharges (per
IEC 801-2) whether or not port is selected
RF Tuning Same as Turbo PSK option described (above)
Demodulator/FEC Same as Turbo PSK option described (above)
LNB DC Power Supplied on RF Input Port 4 - same electrical characteristics as
described for single-input Turbo PSK option (above)
Table 1.2: Transport-In Options
Characteristic Specification