www.wegener.com 39 800032-01 Rev.F
PERMCH value
value: Either the value of a settings table entry number OR the Channel Label of an entry, priority
given to Label if any ambiguity. If an entry number, legal values range from 1 up to N (where
N is number of Preset support this product).
Unit Settings set to equal those in the Preset Table entry specified by value.
PING [-t] [-n count] [-l size] [-w timeout] addr
-t: If supplied as shown, PING specified host until interrupted by console-entry of ‘control-C’.
-n count: Integer substituted for count is number of echo requests to send.
-l size: Send buffer specified as size bytes.
-w timeout: Wait for each reply the number of milliseconds specified by timeout.
addr: IP address formatted as n1:n2:n3:n4 where nn1, n2, n3, and n4 are integers between 0 and
Traditional Unix PING command with verbatim Unix syntax. Response from IRD will indicate success or
failure. User will be warned if PING cannot be attempted because no local IP address has been set. A
Local Control Command (available from the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable"
commands from the network).
PORT device
device: Device assigned to the Aux/Term port, either TERMINAL, MODEM or AUXDATA.
Assigns the given device to the Aux/Term port. A Local Control Command (available from the terminal
regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
PW password
password: One to six alphanumeric characters.
Changes the modem password to the designated password. A Local Control Command (available from
the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
Command ends telnet sessions. Same as EXIT command.
R type [page] (Continued on next page.)
type: Indicates the type of report as follows:
C - Carrier Status
P - Parameters
G - Group Status
GL - Genlock system (if installed and applicable)
M - MPEG PSI Status
NC - Network Controller Status
R - Relay Status
RTLOG - non-volatile log of last 10 “tuning” type commands
S - Settings Status
ST - Settings Table
SP - Serial Port Configuration
See also parameters for RP and RD commands
Table 3.3: Command Directory for U4600 Terminal Commands