PDS • User’s Guide 137
PDS Command List
OSDI Sets the Output SDI Mode (3G Series only) 166
OSDISTAT Query only command for the presence of SDI output connector (3G Series only) 167
OSRC Select the input source for the preview output 155
OSYNC Output Sync Type Adjust 156
OTPM Output Test Pattern Mode 156
OTPT Output Test Pattern Type 156
OUTMODE Selects the Output Display Mode 167
PIP Commands
PENDPIP Pends a change to the PIP mode that will occur on the next Take, or cancels the
pended change.
PIPFREEZE Sets the freeze mode of the input of the specified PIP. 167
PIPFULL PIP is set to full size of output format 168
PIPHPOS PIP Horizontal Position 168
PIPHSIZE PIP Horizontal Size 168
PIPISEL Pends the selected input as the next input for the selected PIP 168
PIPREC Recalls saved PIP configuration for selected the selected PIP 169
PIPRST Resets PIP to default location and size based on aspect ratio 169
PIPSAV Saves the PIP configuration 169
PIPSTAT Query only command for the status of PIP (disabled or enabled) 169
PIPUNIT Selects the Unit Mode to be used in the PIP menu for the PIP Size and Position
PIPVPOS PIP Vertical Position 170
PIPVSIZE PIP Vertical Size 170
System Commands
Auto Input Acquisition Mode 158
AUTOCFG Auto Input Configuration Mode 158
AUTOSAVE Auto Input Settings Save 158
AUTOTAKE Auto Take Mode 158
BACKGND Set background color 158
BLKTRAN Set whether going to black is a direct cut or setup for a take 159,
CONMODE Encore Connect Mode 159
CONTEXT Set menu context 159
DIAG Perform a system diagnostic test 159
Table B-3. PDS Remote Commands (Continued)
Command Description Page