PDS • User’s Guide 27
4. Operation
Button States
illustration appears during initialization:
Figure 4-4. Logo Initialization Message (sample)
After system initialization is complete, the Status Menu appears.
Remember that there are three states for the buttons in the Inputs Section:
• Off — the input is not selected for a transition.
• Blinking — the blinking status depends on the type of button:
~ For an input button:
• When blinking slow, the input is ready to be transitioned to
~ For an effect button (BLACK):
• When blinking slow, the button’s “auto take” mode is OFF, and
the effect is pending for the next transition.
• Lit Solid — the input or the effect is on Program.
Remember also that when you press TAKE, the PDS automatically flip-flops the current
source on Program with the “pending” source. Refer to the “Flip-flop Mode” section on
page 78 for additional information.
For the optimum speed in setting up and operating your system, use the following steps.
For reference, links are provided to the appropriate sections in this guide.
1. Connect power — Ensure that power is properly connected to the PDS.
(Chapter 3, “Installation
,” page 17.)
2. Connect inputs — Connect all input sources to the PDS. (Chapter 3, “Signal
Installation,” page 21.)
3. Connect outputs — Connect the output(s) of the PDS to your projector(s) or
other target devices. (Chapter 3, “Signal Installation,” page 21.)
4. Turn on power — Turn on power to the PDS, your projector(s), and to all
peripheral equipment. (This chapter, “Power-Up Initialization
,” page 26.)
5. Factory reset — If you are using the PDS for the first time, or if you are using a
PDS that has just returned from another event, perform a full factory reset to
restore system configurations. (This chapter, “Factory Reset Menu,” page 75.)
LOGO1 loading...