BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
22 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC10026S Service module SVT offset/size(<offset/size>) not consistent with the
SSVT(<offset/size>). <bmcpid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of a BMC Software
product after a more current version had been initialized. Internal control block
and/or module attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size
where the inconsistency occurred.
System Action: The BMCP initialization process terminates. Facilities provided by
the BMCP may not be available.
User Response: Reinstall the current BMCP or BMC Software product modules. If
this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC10028S Service module PVT offset/size(<offset/size>) not consistent with the
SSVT (<offset/size>). <bmcpid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of a BMC Software
product after a more current version had been initialized. Internal control block
and/or module attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size
where the inconsistency occurred.
System Action: The BMCP initialization process terminates. Facilities provided by
the BMCP may not be available.
User Response: Reinstall the current BMCP or BMC Software product modules. If
this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC10030S <text> R15(<returncode>), <reasoncode>. <bmcpid>
Explanation: An unexpected non-zero return code or reason code was received
in response to a BMCP verify request. A non-BMC Software product may have
overlaid the BMCP, or an internal subsystem error may have occurred. <text>
provides message text about the error. <returncode> and <reasoncode> indicate the
generated return code and reason code.
System Action: The BMCP is terminated.
User Response: Check for any non-BMC Software product that may have overlaid
BMCP, and try to correct the problem. If this is not applicable, contact BMC
Software Product Support.
BMC10032S Invalid subsystem affinity index(<index>) returned by subsystem verify.
Explanation: An illogical subsystem affinity index was returned by the master
MVS subsystem for the BMCP. <index> indicates the affinity index in hexadecimal
System Action: The BMCP is terminated.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.