BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
50 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC11072E <ddname>,registration dataset is in use by another subsystem on this
MVS image. <bcssid>
Explanation: A data set has been allocated and initialized as a registration data
set by another BMC Software consolidated subsystem running on the same MVS
image. Registration data sets can be used by only one BMC Software consolidated
subsystem per MVS image. <ddname> indicates the DD statement associated with
the registration data set.
System Action: The BCSS initialization process continues without the registration
data set.
User Response: Correct the allocation JCL. Restart the BCSS using registration
data sets that are not shared by other BCSSs on the same MVS image.
BMC11073S Subsystem address space initialization is being terminated due to
missing REGISETs. <bcssid>
Explanation: Initialization of a BCSS cannot continue without the necessary
registration data sets.
System Action: The BCSS initialization process is terminated.
User Response: Correct the REGISET problem before or with the next
BMC11079S Abend <abendcode> occurred during commands data set processing.
Explanation: The subsystem commands processor abended while processing the
commands data set. <abendcode> indicates the generated abend code.
System Action: The current command is not processed.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support with the PSW and
BMC11092I <ddname> System Control Record checkpoint completed. <bcssid>
Explanation: A registration data set system control record (SCR) has been
successfully written to DASD. <ddname> indicates the DD statement associated with
the registration data set.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is informational only.