BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
40 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC11030S <text> R15(<returncode>), <reasoncode>. <bcssid>
Explanation: An unexpected non-zero return code or reason code was received
in response to a BCSS verify request. A non-BMC Software product may have
overlaid the BMCP, or an internal subsystem error may have occurred. <text>
provides message text about the error. <returncode> and <reasoncode> indicate the
generated return code and reason code.
System Action: The BCSS is terminated.
User Response: Check for any non-BMC Software product that may have overlaid
BCSS, and try to correct the problem. If this is not applicable, contact BMC
Software Product Support.
BMC11032S Invalid subsystem affinity index(<index>) returned by subsystem verify.
Explanation: An illogical subsystem affinity index was returned by the master
MVS subsystem for the BCSS. <index> indicates the affinity index in hexadecimal
System Action: The BCSS is terminated.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC11034S Default subsystem name(<name>) not consistent with subsystem being
initialized. <bcssid>
Explanation: An attempt was made to change the name of the BCSS during a
restart operation. <name> indicates the default name of the BCSS.
System Action: The BCSS is terminated.
User Response: Restart the BCSS, and specify the correct
SUBSYSID parameter.
Use the subsystem ID that is appended to this message.
BMC11036R Subsystem address space ASID(<asid>) has not terminated. <bcssid>
Explanation: The BCSS issuing the message detected that the subsystem control
areas are already owned by the currently-executing address space. The
currently-executing address space must terminate for the starting subsystem to
continue. <asid> indicates the address space ID in hexadecimal format of the
currently-executing address space.
System Action: Ownership determination checks occur every ten seconds while
this message is outstanding. When the ownership changes and the subsystem control
areas become available to the starting address space, the message is deleted and
initialization continues.