BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC153400–BMC153499 445
BMC153400W Processing bypassed for DDNAME<ddname> due to missing DD
statement. <bcssid>
Explanation: You omitted a DD statement for the DD name. The Application
Enhancement Solutions (AES) product did not attempt to process the data set
associated with the specified DD name. <ddname> indicates the bypassed data set.
System Action: The AES product bypasses processing for the entity.
User Response: Ensure that you entered a valid ddname and that a DD statement
exists in the JCL.
SPLRCODE<returncode>. <bcssid>
Explanation: An asynchronous subsystem service request has failed. <reqtype>
indicates the service request under execution. <returncode> indicates the return code.
<returncode> is the returncode passed to register 15.
System Action: Service terminates and processing of the data set will be bypassed
unless the return code indicates that the condition may be retried.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
BMC153402I DDNAME<ddname> DATASET<dsname>.
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product generates
this message any time it issues an informational, warning, or error message for the
non-IMS data set. This message identifies the data set referenced in the other
message. <ddname> indicates the DD name associated with the data set. <dsname>
indicates the name of the data set.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.