BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC11000–BMC11099 39
BMC11024S Service module FVT offset/size(<offset/size>) not consistent with the
SSVT(<offset/size>). <bcssid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of a BMC Software
product after a more current version had been initialized. Internal control block
and/or module attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size
where the inconsistency occurred.
System Action: The BCSS address terminates.
User Response: Reinstall the current BCSS modules or BMC Software product
modules. If this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC11026S Service module SVT offset/size(<offset/size>) not consistent with the
SSVT(<offset/size>). <bcssid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of a BMC Software
product after a more current version had been initialized. Internal control block
and/or module attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size
where the inconsistency occurred.
System Action: The BCSS address terminates.
User Response: Reinstall the current BCSS modules or BMC Software product
modules. If this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC11028S Service module PVT offset/size(<offset/size>) not consistent with the
SSVT(<offset/size>). <bcssid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of a BMC Software
product after a more current version had been initialized. Internal control block
and/or module attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size
where the inconsistency occurred.
System Action: The BCSS address terminates.
User Response: Reinstall the current BCSS modules or BMC Software product
modules. If this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC11029S Abend <abendcode> occurred during subsystem interface initialization.
Explanation: An abend occurred during the initialization phase of the BCSS.
<abendcode> indicates the generated abend code.
System Action: The BCSS initialization process is terminated.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.