BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC152200–BMC152299 419
BMC152200S Logging not on for <ddname> <data set name>. <subsysid>
Explanation: VSAM logging terminated because of an operator request.
System Action: Processing continues but, if a failure occurs, the step cannot be
User Response: Make sure that the program registration record or the AES$ssid
DD statement is valid. If the problem persists, contact BMC Software Product
BMC152204S Logging not on for <ddname> <data set name>. <subsysid>
Explanation: VSAM logging is not active for the indicated job.
System Action: Processing continues but, if a failure occurs, the step cannot be
User Response: Make sure that the program registration record or the AES$ssid
DD statement is valid. If the problem persists, contact BMC Software Product
BMC152207S VSAM organization for DD(ddname) is not supported. <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
does not support the VSAM organization of the indicated data set.
System Action: Processing continues but, if a failure occurs, the step cannot be
User Response: If you never want to restart the step, deactivate APPLICATION
RESTART CONTROL (AR/CTL™) for VSAM. If you want to restart the step and
this data set does not require repositioning at restart, create a data set options
member, also known as a file characteristics block (FCB), that turns off AR/CTL
services for the data set. Then rerun the job.