ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 25.0 Programming Sheets EN | 110
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
Disable Factory Default
900 Refer to page 39
0 Defaulting enabled
15 Defaulting disabled
System Time
901 to 904 Refer to page 80
0 0 0 0
Location 901 Hour of the day – tens digit
Location 902 Hour of the day – units digit
Location 903 Minute of the day – tens digit
Location 904 Minute of the day – units digit
System Date
905 to 910 Refer to page 80
0 1 0 1 0 1
Location 905 Day of the month – tens digit
Location 906 Day of the month – units digit
Location 907 Month of the year – tens digit
Location 908 Month of the year – units digit
Location 909 Year – tens digit
Location 910 Year – units digit
26.0 Country Codes
The PSTN provides a programmable line interface to meet international telephone line requirements. This
program meets various country PTT standards.
Country Code Country Code Country Code Country Code Country Code
Argentina 0 1 Poland 4 1 Liechtenstein 6 3 Gabon 6 5
Papua New
6 5
Australia 0 2 Portugal 4 2 Gambia 6 5 Paraguay 6 5
Austria 0 3 Romania 4 3 Afghanistan 6 5 Ghana 6 5 Rwanda 6 5
Belgium 0 4
4 4 Albania 6 5 6 5 St. Lucia 6 5
Brazil 0 5
4 5 Andorra 6 5 Grenada 6 5
6 5
Bulgaria 0 6
Serbia and
4 6 Angola 6 5 Guatemala 6 5 San Marino 6 5
Canada 0 7 Singapore 4 7
Antigua and
6 5 Guinea 6 5
Sao Tome
and Principe
6 5
China 0 8 Slovakia 4 8 Azerbaijan 6 5 Guyana 6 5 Saint Vincent 6 5
Colombia 0 9 Slovenia 4 9 Bahamas 6 5 Haiti 6 5 Senegal 6 5
Croatia 1 0 South Africa 5 0 Bangladesh 6 5 Vatican 6 5 Seychelles 6 5
Cyprus 1 1 Spain 5 1 Barbados 6 5 Honduras 6 5 Sierra Leone 6 5
1 2 Sweden 5 2 Belize 6 5 Iran 6 5 Solomon Is 6 5
Denmark 1 3 Switzerland 5 3 Benin 6 5 Iraq 6 5 Somali 6 5
Egypt 1 4
5 4 Bhutan 6 5 Ivory Coast 6 5 Sri Lanka 6 5
Estonia 1 5 Thailand 5 5 Bolivia 6 5 Jamaica 6 5 Sudan 6 5
Finland 1 6 Turkey 5 6 6 5 Kenya 6 5 Suriname 6 5
France 1 7
5 7 Botswana 6 5 Kiribati 6 5 Swaziland 6 5
Germany 1 8
5 8 Brunei 6 5 Kuwait 6 5 Tajikistan 6 5
Greece 1 9 Venezuela 5 9 Burkina-faso 6 5 Laos 6 5 Tanzania 6 5
Hong Kong,
2 0 Vietnam 6 0 Burma 6 5 Lesotho 6 5 Togo 6 5
Hungary 2 1 Burundi 6 5 Liberia 6 5 Tuvalu 6 5
India 2 2 Armenia 6 2 Cambodia 6 5 Libya 6 5 Uganda 6 5
Indonesia 2 3 Belarus 6 2 Cameroon 6 5 Madagascar 6 5
United Arab
6 5
Ireland 2 4 Georgia 6 2 Cape Verde 6 5 Malawi 6 5 Uruguay 6 5