ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 22.0 Terminals and Descriptions EN | 93
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
22.2 Glossary Of Terms
Table 64: Glossary
Term Description
24-hour zone A monitored input where tamper switches and emergency switches can be connected.
If one of these switches is violated at any time (whether the system is armed or
disarmed), an alarm is reported.
alarm condition The status when an alarm system is armed and one of the detection devices is violated.
A 24-Hour zone (for example, a smoke detector) can activate when the system is
armed or disarmed.
answering machine
A condition that enables connection with the control panel for remote arming or remote
programming operations when there is an answering machine or facsimile machine on
the same telephone line.
Armed (System
A status in which the system is ready to accept alarms.
automatic arming Programming that allows the system to arm automatically at the same time each day in
AWAY Mode or STAY Mode 1.
Programming that allows the system to disarm automatically at the same time each day
in AWAY Mode or STAY Mode 1.
AWAY or # A codepad button used to execute any given command.
AWAY Mode The mode used to arm your system when you leave your premises.
codepad A device that allows you to perform all functions such as arming, disarming, and
programming of your alarm system.
day alarm Programming that allows a combination of zones to be monitored while the system is
detector A unit installed as a satellite component in a security system designed to detect an
intruder within a protected area. Some common forms of detection devices are passive
infrared, smoke, photo electric beams, reed switches, and vibration sensors.
dialer An electronic device that uses tones or pulses to dial an electronic receiver such as a
monitoring station, mobile phone, or pocket pager. It uses the public switched
telephone network to send alarm or supervisory signals.
disarmed A system status that does not accept alarms, except for 24-hour zones.
dual reporting Reporting that allows your control panel to transmit alarm signals in two different
reporting formats (for example, the control panel can transmit to a monitoring station
and to a mobile phone, or to two different monitoring stations).
dynamic battery
A method used to monitor and test the condition of your backup battery.
EDMSAT satellite
A self-contained siren unit complete with flashing blue strobe light and a backup
battery that provides a higher level of security for an alarm system.
entry delay A programmed delay of the system alarm responses that allows a person to enter a
building through the entry door to turn the system off.
entry warning The beeping from a codepad during an entry delay as a reminder to disarm the system.
exit delay A programmed delay of the system alarm responses that allows a person to leave a
building after turning the system on.
external equipment Any device connected to a security system, such as a detector, codepad, or siren.
force arming A method of overriding the safety feature that prevents arming with a faulted zone on a
control panel.
hand-over delay If a system is armed and Zone 1 is violated, the entry delay starts timing. If Zone 2 is
violated, the entry delay time is handed over to the Zone 2 and so on, to Zones 3 and
4. This is known as sequential hand-over delay.
hand-held radio
remote control
A device used to arm and disarm a security system or to cause a panic alarm.
lockout dialer A dialer that activates only once per zone per arming cycle.