ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 5.0 System Functions EN | 22
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
To delete a remote radio User Code:
1. Enter the Master Code and press [1][AWAY].
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the user number (9 to 16) you want to
delete and press [AWAY].
Two beeps sound and the corresponding zone
indicators light. Refer to Table 18 on page 21.
3. Press [STAY] to delete the User Code.
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators are extinguished.
4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 to delete another remote
radio User Code.
This function is automatically terminated if
you do not press a button within 60 sec
or if you press [AWAY].
One long beep indicates that you
selected an incorrect user number.
5.0 System Functions
This section explains more advanced features, such
as Installer Code, Master Code, and hold-down
functions that are required for testing and regular
maintenance of the system.
5.1 Installer Code Functions
Installer Code functions allow the installer to perform
various system tests and tasks without knowing a
Master Code.
To access the required Installer Code function, enter
the Installer Code and corresponding function digit,
and press [AWAY]. The Installer Code functions are
listed in Table 19 on page 22.
You can access these functions only when the system
is disarmed.
Table 19: Installer Code Functions
Function Description
Add/delete RF wireless devices
(Refer to Section 5.1.1)
Set the number of days until the first Test
(Section 5.1.2)
Change domestic telephone numbers
(Section 5.1.3)
Change the Telco arm/disarm sequence
(Section 5.1.4)
4 Set STAY Mode 2 zones
(Section 5.1.5)
Satellite Siren (EDMSAT) Service Mode
(Section 5.1.6)
Turn Telephone Monitor Mode on and off
(Section 5.1.7)
Walk Test Mode
(Section 5.1.8)
Event Memory Recall Mode
(Section 5.1.9)
5.1.1 Add or Delete RF Wireless Devices
The control panel can accept up to 16 wireless
devices on any or all of the eight zones used by the
system. It is possible to connect wireless PIRs, reed
switches, and smoke detectors directly to the control
panel. You can allocate multiple wireless devices to
each zone (for example, you can allocate up to 16
wireless devices to Zone 1 and hard wire the
remaining seven zones). Refer to Section 20.3 Default
RF Device Mapping (Devices 1 to 8) and Section 20.4
Default RF Device Mapping (Devices 9 to 16) for more
To program an RF wireless device:
1. Enter the Installer Code and press [0][AWAY].
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the RF device number (1 to 16) you want
to change and press [AWAY].
Two beeps sound and the corresponding
codepad indicators light to show the RF device
number you selected.
3. Enter the nine-digit RF ID number found on the
back of the RF device and press [AWAY].
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators are extinguished.
4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 to add another device.
This function is automatically terminated if
you do not press a button within 60 sec
or if you press [AWAY].
One long beep indicates that you
selected an incorrect user number.