ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 11.0 Dialer Information EN | 49
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
Table 45: Dialing Digits
Number to
Number to
terminator 0 8 8
1 1 9 9
2 2 0 10
3 3 * 11
4 4 # 12
5 5 4 sec pause 13
6 6 break 14
7 7 15 15
11.1 Primary Telephone Number for
Receiver 1 and Receiver 2
000 to 015 (Receiver 1)
040 to 055 (Receiver 2)
When the control panel transmits a report, the panel
dials the Primary Telephone Number to contact the
monitoring station or pager, for example. If the call is
successful, the relevant information is transmitted and
the dialer returns to Standby Mode.
If unsuccessful, the dialer attempts two more calls
using the Primary Telephone Number for Receiver 1.
If these calls are unsuccessful, the dialer calls the
Secondary Telephone Number for Receiver 1 up to
three times. If the dialing sequence is still
unsuccessful, the control panel repeats this sequence
by dialing the Primary and Secondary Telephone
Numbers for Receiver 2 (if they are programmed).
If the first six attempts are unsuccessful and no
telephone numbers for Receiver 2 are programmed,
this procedure is repeated only once for a maximum
of twelve call attempts per alarm, after 10 min.
If the Primary and Secondary Telephone Numbers
for Receiver 2 are also programmed, the control
panel attempts a maximum of 24 calls per alarm.
Contact your monitoring station or pager company
for the correct telephone numbers before you
program these locations.
When Receiver 1 or 2 is set up for
domestic reporting, telephone numbers
programmed into these locations are
ignored. Refer to Section 5.1.3 Change
Domestic Phone Numbers on page 23
(using the Installer Code function) or
Section 5.2.4 Changing Domestic Phone
Numbers on page 28 (using the Master
Code Function).
11.2 Secondary Telephone Number for
Receiver 1 and Receiver 2
016 to 031 (Receiver 1)
056 to 071 (Receiver 2)
Refer to Section 11.1 Primary Telephone Number for
Receiver 1 and Receiver 2 on page 49 for programming
When Receivers 1 or 2 is set up for
domestic reporting, telephone numbers
programmed into these locations are
ignored. Refer to Section 5.1.3 Change
Domestic Phone Numbers on page 23
(using the Installer Code function) or
Section 5.2.4 Changing Domestic Phone
Numbers on page 28 (using the Master
Code Function).
11.3 Handshake Tone for Receiver 1 and
Receiver 2
032 (Receiver 1)
1 HI LO handshake (Contact ID Format)
2 1400 Hz (Ademco Tx @ 1900 Hz)
3 2300 Hz (Low Speed Sescoa)
4 No handshake
5 Pager handshake
072 (Receiver 2)
1 HI LO handshake (Contact ID Format)
2 1400 Hz (Ademco Tx @ 1900 Hz)
3 2300 Hz (Low Speed Sescoa)
4 No handshake
5 Pager handshake
These locations set the type of handshake tone
required for the receivers before data transmissions
to the monitoring station begin.
1 – HI LO Handshake
HI LO Handshake Tone is required to communicate
in Contact ID Format or High Speed DTMF.