ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 12.0 Dialer Options EN | 52
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
Program the Ring Count to 14 to enable Answering
Machine Bypass in the secondary mode. In this case,
call the control panel and allow the phone to ring no
more than twice and hang up. Wait a minimum of 8
sec and call the control panel again. The control
panel answers on the first ring. If you do not wait the
8 sec, the control panel does not answer the call. To
enable Answering Machine Bypass only when the
system is armed, select Option 2 in Location 177
(refer to Section 12.1 Dialer Options 1 on page 52).
Set the Ring Count for the answering
machine or facsimile machine to a value
greater than two rings. Four to six rings is
Program a 0 into this location to disable
the control panel from answering an
incoming call.
11.11 Telephone Line Fault Options
1 Display FAULT indicator when telephone line fails
2 Sound alarm when system is armed
4 Sound alarm when system is disarmed
8 Reserved
This location has three options. You can select any
combination of these options by programming a
single value. Calculate this value by adding the
option bit numbers together. Refer to Section 7.3
Programming Option Bits on page 36 for more
The control panel monitors the telephone line. If the
telephone line is cut or disconnected for longer than
40 sec, the control panel lights the FAULT indicator
on the codepad. The FAULT indicator is
extinguished after the telephone line is restored for
longer than 40 sec.
Options 2 and 4 do not operate unless
you also enable Option 1.
1 – Display FAULT indicator When the Telephone
Line Fails
When this options is selected, the FAULT indicator
flashes and the codepad buzzer beeps once per min if
the control panel detects that the telephone line is
disconnected. Refer to Section 3.13 Fault Descriptions
on page 18 for more information.
2 – Sound Alarm When System Is Armed
You must also select Option 1 to use this option. If
the control panel detects that the telephone line is
disconnected when the system is armed, the horn
speaker, bell, and strobe outputs are activated. If only
one audible alarm per arming cycle is required, select
the Lockout Telephone Line Fail Alarm option (2) in
Location 179 (refer to Section 12.3 Dialer Options 3 on
page 53).
4 – Sound Alarm when System Is Disarmed
You must also select Option 1 to use this option. If
the control panel detects that the telephone line is
disconnected when the system is disarmed, the horn
speaker, bell, and strobe outputs are activated. If only
one audible alarm per arming cycle is required, select
the Lockout Telephone Line Fail Alarm option (2) in
Location 179 (refer to Section 12.3 Dialer Options 3 on
page 53).
If you program 7 in this location, the horn
speaker, bell, strobe, and EDMSAT
outputs are all activated when the system
is armed or disarmed.
12.0 Dialer Options
Locations 177, 178, 179, and 180 have up to four
options per location available for programming. You
can select any combination of the options by
programming a single value. Calculate this value by
adding the option bit numbers together. Refer to
Section 7.3 Programming Option Bits on page 36 for
more information.
12.1 Dialer Options 1
1 Dialer reporting functions allowed
2 Remote arming by telephone allowed
4 Answering machine bypass only when armed
Bell 103 used for FSK format
(disabled = CCITT V21)
1 – Dialer Reporting Functions Allowed
If you select this option, the dialer operates for all
If you do not select this option, the communication
dialer does not operate.
Upload/Download using the CC816 Alarm Link
Software and telephone remote arming remains
operational regardless of this setting.