ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 5.0 System Functions EN | 33
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
For more information, refer to Section 5.1.5 Setting
STAY Mode 2 Zones on page 25 (using the Installer
Code function) or Section 5.2.6 Setting STAY Mode 2
Zones on page 25 (using the Master Code function).
STAY Mode 2 is not available on
partitioned ICP-CC488 Control Panels.
5.4.4 Horn Speaker Test
Holding down [1] until two beeps sound activates the
horn speaker for a 2-sec burst. No other sounding
device operates during this mode.
5.4.5 Bell Test
Holding down [2] until two beeps sound activates the
internal screamers for a 2-sec burst. No other
sounding device operates during this mode.
If the SS914 Satellite Siren (EDMSAT) is connected
to the control panel, this function tests both the horn
speaker and the strobe connected to the satellite siren
for a 2-sec burst.
5.4.6 Strobe Test
Holding down [3] operates the strobe. No other
device operates during this mode.
If the SS914 Satellite Siren (EDMSAT) is connected
to the control panel, this function also tests the strobe
on the satellite siren.
To turn the strobe test on:
Press and hold [3] until three beeps sound.
The strobe flashes.
To turn the strobe test off:
Press and hold [3] until two beeps sound.
The strobe stops flashing.
5.4.7 Turning Day Alarm On and Off
Holding down [4] turns Day Alarm on or off. If you
want the STAY indicator to indicate the status of Day
Alarm operation (enabled or disabled), select Option
8 in Location 484 (refer to Section 18.5 Consumer
Options 1 on page 82). When this option is selected,
the STAY indicator flashes once every 3 sec when
Day Alarm is active.
To turn Day Alarm on:
Press and hold [4] until three beeps sound.
To turn Day Alarm off:
Press and hold [4] until two beeps sound.
5.4.8 Fault Analysis Mode
Several system faults can be detected by the control
panel. When any of these faults are present, the
FAULT indicator flashes and the codepad beeps
once per min. Refer to Section 3.12 Fault Analysis Mode
on page 18 for more information on each fault type.
To determine the type of fault:
Press and hold [5] until two beeps sound.
The STAY, AWAY, and FAULT indicators flash.
One or more zone indicators (1 to 8) light to indicate
the type of fault that occurred. Refer to Table 15 on
page 20.
To exit from Fault Analysis Mode:
Press [AWAY].
The STAY and AWAY indicators are extinguished
and the system returns to the disarmed state.
5.4.9 Initiate a Modem Call
Holding down [6] until two beeps sound forces the
control panel to dial the callback telephone number
programmed in Locations 159 to 174 (refer to Section
11.9 Call Back Telephone Number on page 51) in an
attempt to connect to the installer’s remote computer.
The remote computer must be running the CC816
Alarm Link Software and must be set to Waiting for
an Incoming Call. If no callback telephone number is
programmed, holding down [6] has no effect.
5.4.10 Reset Latching Outputs
Holding down [7] until two beeps sound resets any
output that is programmed to remain on after it is
The output must be programmed with a latching
polarity. Refer to Section 16.3 Output Polarity on page
76 for more information.
5.4.11 Change the Codepad Buzzer Tone
Holding down [8] down continuously changes the
tone of the buzzer in the remote codepad. There are
50 different tones from 1500 Hz to 5000 Hz. In an
installation with multiple codepads, you can set a
different tone for each codepad.
To change the buzzer tone:
1. Press and hold [8] continuously.
The tone of the buzzer increases in pitch.
2. Release [8] button when you hear the desired
Every time the system is powered down,
you must reset each codepad to its
individual tone using this function.
On partitioned ICP-CC488 Control Panels, this hold-
down function also indicates the area to which the
codepad belongs.