NOTE: For information about the various fields, see the Online Help.
In the left pane, click, Chassis Overview → User Authentication → Chassis Overview → Directory
2. Select Microsoft Active Directory (Extended Schema).
The settings to be configured for extended schema is displayed on the same page.
3. In the Common Settings section, specify the following:
• Select Enable Active Directory and enter the timeout value for Active Directory in the AD
Timeout field.
• To obtain the Active Directory Domain Controllers from a DNS lookup select Look Up Domain
Controllers with DNS, and then select one of the following:
– User Domain from Login — to perform the DNS lookup with the domain name of the login
– Specify a Domain — enter the domain name to use for the DNS lookup
• To enable CMC to use the specified Active Directory Domain Controller server addresses, select
Specify Domain Controller Addresses . These are the addresses of the domain controllers where
the CMC device object and the associated objects are located.
4. Click Apply to save the settings.
NOTE: You must apply the settings before continuing. If you do not apply the settings, the
settings are lost when you navigate to the next page.
5. In the Extended Schema Settings section, type the CMC device name and the domain name.
6. If you have enabled certificate validation, you must upload the domain forest root certificate
authority-signed certificate to CMC. In the Manage Certificates section, type the file path of the
certificate or browse to the certificate file. Click
Upload to upload the file to CMC.
NOTE: The File Path value displays the relative file path of the certificate you are uploading.
You must type the absolute file path, which includes the full path and the complete file name
and file extension.
The SSL certificates for the domain controllers must be signed by the root certificate authority-
signed certificate. The root certificate authority-signed certificate must be available on the
management station accessing CMC.
CAUTION: SSL certificate validation is required by default. Disabling this certificate is not
7. If you have enabled Single Sign-On (SSO), in the Kerberos Keytab section, click Browse, specify the
keytab file and click Upload. When the upload is complete, a message is displayed indicating a
successful or failed upload.
8. Click Apply.
The CMC web server automatically restarts after you click Apply.
9. Log in to the CMC Web interface.
10. Select Chassis in the system tree, click the Network tab, and then click the Network subtab. The
Network Configuration page is displayed.
11. If Use DHCP for CMC Network Interface IP Address is enabled, do one of the following:
• Select Use DHCP to Obtain DNS Server Addresses to enable the DHCP server to obtain the DNS
server addresses automatically.