Executing Power Control Operations on the Chassis Using Web Interface
To execute power control operations on the chassis using the CMC web interface:
1. In the left pane, click Chassis Overview → Power → Control.
The Chassis Power Control page is displayed.
2. Select one of the following power control operations.
For information about each option, see the Online Help.
• Power On System
• Power Off System
• Power Cycle System (cold boot)
• Reset CMC (warm boot)
• Non-Graceful Shutdown
3. Click Apply.
A dialog box appears asking you for a confirmation.
4. Click OK to perform the power management action (for example, cause the system to reset).
Executing Power Control Operations on the Chassis Using RACADM
Open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC, log in, and type:
racadm chassisaction -m chassis <action>
where <action> is powerup, powerdown, powercycle, nongraceshutdown, or reset.
Executing Power Control Operations on a Server
You can remotely perform power management actions for multiple servers at a time or an individual
server in the chassis.
NOTE: To perform power management actions, you must have the Chassis Configuration
Administrator privilege.
Executing Power Control Operations for Multiple Servers
Using CMC Web Interface
To execute power control operation for multiple servers using the Web interface:
1. In the left pane, click Server Overview → Power.
The Power Control page is displayed.
2. In the Operations column, from the drop-down menu, select one of the following power control
operations for the required servers:
• No Operation
• Power On Server
• Power Off Server
• Graceful Shutdown
• Reset Server (warm boot)