7. From the Protocol drop-down menu, select All Protocols or one of the listed network protocols to
view all the MACS or the MACs associated with the selected protocol.
8. In the WWN/MAC Addresses field, enter a partial MAC address or the full MAC address to view only
the slots associated with the specific MAC address.
9. From the Partition Status drop-down menu, select the status of the partitions to display servers with
the selected partition status.
For information about the fields, see the Online Help.
Viewing Advanced WWN/MAC Address Information Using
Web Interface
To view WWN/MAC Address Information for each server slot or all servers in a chassis, in the advanced
1. Click Server Overview → Properties → WWN/MAC
The WWN/MAC Summary page displays the WWN/MAC Address Information.
2. From the View drop-down menu, select Advanced, to view the WWN/MAC Addresses attributes in
detailed view.
In the WWN/MAC Addresses table displays Server Slot, Fabric, Protocol, WWN/MAC addresses,
Partition Status, and the MAC address assignment type — Server assigned, FlexAddress, or I/O Identity
MAC. A black check mark indicates the active address type, either server-assigned, chassis-assigned,
or remote assigned. MAC.
3. In the WWN/MAC Addresses table, click Export to save the WWN/MAC addresses locally.
4. Click the against a slot or click Expand/Collapse All to expand or collapse the attributes listed for
a specific slot or all the slots in the WWN/MAC Addresses table.
5. From the Server Slot drop-down menu, select All Servers or a specific Slot to view the WWN/MAC
Addresses attributes for all servers or servers in specific slots only respectively.
6. From the Fabric drop-down menu, select one of the fabric types to view details for all or specific
type of management or I/O fabric associated with the servers.
7. From the Protocol drop-down menu, select All Protocols or one of the listed network protocols to
view all the MACS or the MACs associated with the selected protocol.
8. In the WWN/MAC Addresses field, enter the MAC address to view only the slots associated with the
specific MAC address.
9. From the Partition Status drop-down menu, select the status of the partitions to display servers with
the selected partition status.
If a particular partition is disabled, the status is displayed as Disabled and the row displaying the
partition is greyed out.
For information about the fields, see the Online Help.
Viewing WWN/MAC Address Information Using RACADM
To view WWN/MAC address information for all servers or specific servers using RACADM, use the
getflexaddr and getmacaddress subcommands.
To display Flexaddress for the entire chassis, use the following RACADM command:
racadm getflexaddr