Situation Command Output
NOTE: To resolve this issue,
you must have a
FlexAddress Enablement
This is a legal agreement between you, the user, and Dell Products L.P. or Dell Global B.V. ("Dell"). This
agreement covers all software that is distributed with the Dell product, for which there is no separate
license agreement between you and the manufacturer or owner of the software (collectively the
"Software"). This agreement is not for the sale of Software or any other intellectual property. All title and
intellectual property rights in and to Software is owned by the manufacturer or owner of the Software. All
rights not expressly granted under this agreement are reserved by the manufacturer or owner of the
Software. By opening or breaking the seal on the Software packet(s), installing or downloading the
Software, or using the Software that has been preloaded or is embedded in your product, you agree to be
bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, promptly return all Software
items (disks, written materials, and packaging) and delete any preloaded or embedded Software.
You may use one copy of the Software on only one computer at a time. If you have multiple licenses for
the Software, you may use as many copies at any time as you have licenses. "Use" means loading the
Software in temporary memory or permanent storage on the computer. Installation on a network server
solely for distribution to other computers is not "use" if (but only if) you have a separate license for each
computer to which the Software is distributed. You must ensure that the number of persons using the
Software installed on a network server does not exceed the number of licenses that you have. If the
number of users of Software installed on a network server exceeds the number of licenses, you must
purchase additional licenses until the number of licenses equals the number of users before allowing
additional users to use the Software. If you are a commercial customer of Dell or a Dell affiliate, you
hereby grant Dell, or an agent selected by Dell, the right to perform an audit of your use of the Software
during normal business hours, you agree to cooperate with Dell in such audit, and you agree to provide
Dell with all records reasonably related to your use of the Software. The audit is limited to verification of
your compliance with the terms of this agreement.
The Software is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaties. You may make one
copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes or transfer it to a single hard disk provided
you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not rent or lease the Software 240
Using FlexAddress and FlexAdress Plus Cards or copy the written materials accompanying the Software,
but you may transfer the Software and all accompanying materials on a permanent basis as part of a sale
or transfer of the Dell product if you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms hereof. Any
transfer must include the most recent update and all prior versions. You may not reverse engineer,
decompile or disassemble the Software. If the package accompanying your computer contains compact
discs, 3.5" and/or 5.25" disks, you may use only the disks appropriate for your computer. You may not use
the disks on another computer or network, or loan, rent, lease, or transfer them to another user except as
permitted by this agreement.