Item Description
Slot <number> Indicates the server slot to which the KVM is mapped to. Possible
values are SLOT-<01 to 04>.
Unmapped Displayed if the KVM is not mapped to any of the servers.
Table 40. DVD Mapping Status
Item Description
Server <number> Displays a list of servers to which the DVD can be mapped.
Error Messages If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are
listed where critical ones are first listed, and then the warning-
Mapped Displays a list of servers mapped to a DVD, if any.
Slot <number> Indicates the server slot to which the DVD is mapped to. Possible
values are SLOT-<01 to 04>.
Unmapped Displayed if the KVM is not mapped to any of the servers.
Table 41. Blower Status
Item Description
Name/Location Example: Blower1, Blower2, and so on.
Error Messages If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are
listed where critical ones are first listed, and then the warning-
RPM Current blower speed in RPM.
Table 42. SPERC Status
Item Description
SPERC: <number> Displays the SPERC name in the format SPERC n, where 'n' is the
SPERC number. Example: SPERC 1, SPERC 2, and so on.
Error Messages
If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are
listed where critical ones are first listed, and then the warning-
Working Status On or Off — Indicates whether the SPERC is functioning.
Name: <name> Name of the shared PERC. Example: SPERC8
Health Status Ok
Firmware Version SPERC version
Manufacturer Manufacturer name