Installing and Setting Up CMC
This section provides information about how to install your CMC hardware, establish access to CMC,
configure your management environment to use CMC, and guides you through the tasks for configuring
a CMC:
• Set up initial access to CMC.
• Access CMC through a network.
• Add and configure CMC users.
• Update CMC firmware.
For more information about installing and setting up redundant CMC environments, see Understanding
Redundant CMC Environment.
Before You Begin
Before setting up your CMC environment, download the latest version of CMC firmware for PowerEdge
VRTX from dell.com/support/.
Also, make sure that you have the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD that was
included with your system.
Installing CMC Hardware
CMC is pre-installed on your chassis and hence no installation is required. You can install a second CMC
to run as a standby to the active CMC.
Checklist To Set up Chassis
The following tasks enable you to accurately set up the chassis:
1. CMC and the management station, where you use your browser, must be on the same network,
which is called the management network. Connect an Ethernet network cable from the CMC active
port to the management network.
2. Install the I/O module in the chassis and connect the network cable to the chassis.
3. Insert the servers in the chassis.
4. Connect the chassis to the power source.
5. Press the power button, or turn on the chassis from the CMC web interface after completing the
task in step 7.
NOTE: Do not turn on the servers.
6. Using the LCD panel, navigate to the IP Summary and click on the Check button to select. Use the IP
address for the CMC in the management system browser (IE, Chrome, or Mozilla). To set up DHCP
for CMC, use LCD panel to, click Main Menu → Settings → Network Settings.