Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-70 Revision May 2008, ME14, SW V3.04
Content Address Functions
2106H Output Voltage E (XXX.X)
2107H Step number of Multi-Step Speed Operation (step)
2108H Time of PLC Operation (sec)
2109H Value of External Trigger (count)
210AH The Correspondent Value of Power Factor (XXX.X)
210BH Pr.65 X Low word of H (XXX.XX)
210CH Pr.65 X High word of H (XXX.XX)
210DH AC Drive Temperature (XXX.X)
210EH PID Feedback Signal (XXX.XX)
210FH PID Target Value (XXX.XX)
2110H AC Drive Mode Type Information
3.7 Communication program of PC:
The following is a simple example of how to write a communication program for Modbus ASCII
mode on a PC by C language.
#define PORT 0x03F8 /* the address of COM1 */
/* the address offset value relative to COM1 */
#define THR 0x0000
#define RDR 0x0000
#define BRDL 0x0000
#define IER 0x0001
#define BRDH 0x0001
#define LCR 0x0003
#define MCR 0x0004
#define LSR 0x0005
#define MSR 0x0006
unsigned char rdat[60];
/* read 2 data from address 2102H of AC drive with address 1 */
unsigned char tdat[60]={':','0','1','0','3','2','1','0',’2', '0','0','0','2','D','7','\r','\n'};