Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision May 2008, ME14, SW V3.04 4-53
13 Ground fault or fuse failure (GFF)
14 Low voltage (not record)
15 3 Phase Input Power Loss
16 CPU Failure (CF2)
17 External Base-Block (bb)
18 Overload 2 (oL2)
19 Auto Adjustable accel/decel failure (cFA)
20 Software protection code (codE)
Parameter Lock and Configuration
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 All parameters can be set/read
01 All parameters are read-only
02-08 Reserved
09 Resets all parameters to 50Hz factory defaults
10 Resets all parameters to 60Hz factory defaults
This parameter allows the user to reset the drive to factory settings.
Time for Auto Reset the Restart Times after Fault
Unit: 0.1 second
Settings 0.1 to 6000.0 sec Factory Setting: 60.0
If there is no fault in the period of this setting, it will reset the rest restart times that used after
fault to the setting of restart times.
PLC Operation Mode
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 Disable PLC operation
01 Execute one program cycle
02 Continuously execute program cycles
03 Execute one program cycle step by step (separated by “STOP”)
04 Continuously execute program cycles step by step (separated by “STOP”)
This M drive can be programmed to execute a sequence of operations named “PLC mode”.
The PLC program can be used in lieu of any external controls, relays or switches. The AC
drive will change speeds and directions according to the user’s desired programming. This
parameter selects the PLC operation mode for the drive. Please review the following examples: