Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision May 2008, ME14, SW V3.04 4-75
Control Mode
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 V/F Control
01 Sensor-less Control
Rated Slip
Unit: 0.01Hz
Settings 0.00 to 10.00 Hz Factory Setting: 3.0
Example of Slip calculation: The rated speed of 4 poles/3 φ/ 60Hz/ 220V on the nameplate is
1710RPM. The rated slip is then: 60-(1710/(120/P))=3Hz. (being P the number of poles)
Vector Voltage Filter
Unit: 2ms
Settings 5 to 9999 Factory Setting: 10
Vector Slip Compensation Filter
Unit: 2ms
Settings 25 to 9999 Factory Setting: 50
This parameter sets the low-pass filter in vector control.
Example: Pr. 107 = 10 X 2ms =20ms, Pr. 108 = 50 X 2 ms =100ms.
Selection for Zero Speed Control
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 No output
01 Control by DC voltage
This parameter is used to select the control method at zero speed. If set to 01, the voltage in
Pr.110 is used for holding torque.
Voltage of Zero Speed Control
Unit: 0.1%
Settings 0.0 to 20.0 % of Max. output voltage (Pr.05) Factory Setting: 5.0
This parameter should be used in conjunction with Pr.109.
Example: if Pr.05 = 100 and this parameter is set to 20.0, the level of output voltage is
100X20.0% = 20.
Deceleration S Curve
Settings 00 to 07 Factory Setting: 00
When this parameter is set differently to zero, it selects a deceleration S-curve and overrides
Pr.14. Otherwise, Pr.14 sets the deceleration S-curve.