Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-80 Revision May 2008, ME14, SW V3.04
Pr. 129
Maximum Reference Value
Settings 0.0 to 10.0 V Factory Setting: 10.0
This parameter is used to set the AVI input voltage that corresponds to maximum frequency.
Pr. 130
Invert Reference Signal AVI (0-10V)
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 Not Inverted
01 Inverted
If this parameter is set to 01, the reference signal is inverted: 0V corresponds to 60Hz in
Pr.128 and 10V corresponds to 0Hz in Pr.129.
Pr. 131
Minimum Reference Value (0-20mA)
Unit: 0.1mA
Settings 0.0 to 20.0mA Factory Setting: 4.0
This parameter is used to set the ACI input frequency that corresponds to minimum frequency.
Pr. 132
Maximum Reference Value (0-20mA)
Unit: 0.1mA
Settings 0.0 to 20.0mA Factory Setting: 20.0
This parameter is used to set the ACI input frequency that corresponds to maximum frequency.
Pr. 133
Inverts Reference Signal (0-20mA)
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 Not Inverted
01 Inverted
If this parameter is set to 01, 4mA corresponds to 0Hz in Pr.132, and 0mA corresponds to
60Hz in Pr.131.
The main purpose for Pr.128-Pr.133 is to allow changes in the output frequency when setting
the analog frequency or PID feedback control per the feedback sensor. For example, if the
feedback sensor inputs 4mA-20mA but the output frequency from drive that user needs is
5mA-18mA, then user could set Pr.131 to 5mA and Pr.132 to 18mA.
Pr. 134
Analog Input Delay Filter for Set Point
Unit: 2ms
Settings 00 to 9999 Factory Setting: 50
Pr. 135
Analog Input Delay Filter for Feedback Signal
Unit: 2ms
Settings 00 to 9999 Factory Setting: 5