Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision May 2008, ME14, SW V3.04 4-81
These two parameters are used to set the analog input delay filter in set point or feedback
Pr. 136
Sleep Period
Unit: 0.1sec
Settings 0.0 to 6550.0 sec Factory Setting: 0.0
Pr. 137
Sleep Frequency
Unit: 0.10Hz
Settings 0.00 to 400.0 Hz Factory Setting: 0.0
Pr. 138
Wake Up Frequency
Unit: 0.10Hz
Settings 0.00 to 400.0 Hz Factory Setting: 0.0
These parameters determine the sleep functions of the AC drive. If the command frequency
falls below the sleep frequency, for the specified time in Pr.136, then drive output is turned off
until the command frequency rises above Pr.138. Please see the below diagram.
Pr. 138
Pr. 137
Pr. 136
Frequency Command
Actual output frequency
Sleep Period
Wake Up
Pr. 139
Treatment for Counter Attained
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 Continue Operation
01 Stop Immediately and display E.F.
This parameter sets the procedure for the AC drive to follow once the internal counter attains
the setting value in Pr.96.
Pr. 140
External Up/Down Selection
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 Fixed Mode (keypad)
01 By Accel or Decel Time
02 Reserved
This parameter is used to change the Master Frequency externally with the Multifuction Input
Terminals. If any two parameters in the group Pr.39-Pr.42 are set to 14 and 15, and Pr.140 is
set to 01, the up/down frequency operation is initiated as the contact closes and according to
the time of acceleration/deceleration.