Appendix CHow to Select the Right AC Motor Drive|
C-4 Revision May 2008, ME14, SW V3.04
C.2 General Precaution
Selection Note
1、 When the AC Motor Drive is connected directly to a large-capacity power transformer
(600kVA or above) or when a phase lead capacitor is switched, excess peak currents
may occur in the power input circuit and the converter section may be damaged. To
avoid this, use an AC input reactor (optional) before AC Motor Drive mains input to
reduce the current and improve the input power efficiency.
2、 When a special motor is used or more than one motor is driven in parallel with a single
AC Motor Drive, select the AC Motor Drive current ≥1.25x(Sum of the motor rated
3、 The starting and accel./decel. characteristics of a motor are limited by the rated current
and the overload protection of the AC Motor Drive. Compared to running the motor
D.O.L. (Direct On-Line), a lower starting torque output with AC Motor Drive can be
expected. If higher starting torque is required (such as for elevators, mixers, tooling
machines, etc.) use an AC Motor Drive of higher capacity or increase the capacities for
both the motor and the AC Motor Drive.
4、 When an error occurs on the drive, a protective circuit will be activated and the AC
Motor Drive output is turned off. Then the motor will coast to stop. For an emergency
stop, an external mechanical brake is needed to quickly stop the motor.
Parameter Settings Note
1、 The AC Motor Drive can be driven at an output frequency up to 400Hz (less for some
models) with the digital keypad. Setting errors may create a dangerous situation. For
safety, the use of the upper limit frequency function is strongly recommended.
2、 High DC braking operating voltages and long operation time (at low frequencies) may
cause overheating of the motor. In that case, forced external motor cooling is
3、 Motor accel./decel. time is determined by motor rated torque, load torque, and load
4、 If the stall prevention function is activated, the accel./decel. time is automatically
extended to a length that the AC Motor Drive can handle. If the motor needs to