Chapter 25 External Interrupt
6. Setting
Note: For the setting procedure, refer to the section indicated by the number.
7. Q & A
7.1 What are the types and setting procedures of detect levels?
There are 4 types of detect levels: “L” level, “H” level, rise, and fall
Carry out in Detection level bit (ELVR0. LBx, LAx) x = 0-7, and (ELVR1. LBx, LAx) x = 8-15.
7.2 How do I set INT pin as the input?
Use data direction registers (DDR22, DDR23, DDR24).
Use port function register (PFR22, PFR23, PFR24).
Remark: Even though the external interrupt can be even used with setting DDR=0 and PFR=0 (general
purpose port input mode), the input line will be disabled when setting STOP mode with HIZ.
Table 6-1 Setting Required in Order to Use External Interrupts
Setting Setting Registers
Setting of detect level
External interrupt request level setting register
See 7.1
Set INT pin as the input.
Data direction register (DDR22, DDR23, DDR24)
Port function register (PFR22, PFR23, PFR24)
See 7.2
External interrupt
External inputs
→Inputs the signal to INT0 - INT15 pins.
Operation mode Detection level bit (LBn, LAn) n = 0-15
Use as “L” level detection Sets to “00”
Use as “H” level detection Sets to “01”
Use as rise detection Sets to “10”
Use as fall detection Sets to “11”
Operation Data Direction bits Setting Port Function bit Setting
To use INT0 pin input DDR24.0 Set to “0” PFR24.0 Set to “1”
To use INT1 pin input DDR24.1 Set to “0” PFR24.1 Set to “1”
To use INT2 pin input DDR24.2 Set to “0” PFR24.2 Set to “1”
To use INT3 pin input DDR24.3 Set to “0” PFR24.3 Set to “1”
To use INT4 pin input DDR24.4 Set to “0” PFR24.4 Set to “1”
To use INT5 pin input DDR24.5 Set to “0” PFR24.5 Set to “1”
To use INT6 pin input DDR24.6 Set to “0” PFR24.6 Set to “1”
To use INT7 pin input DDR24.7 Set to “0” PFR24.7 Set to “1”
To use INT8 pin input DDR23.0 Set to “0” PFR23.0 Set to “1”
To use INT9 pin input DDR23.2 Set to “0” PFR23.2 Set to “1”
To use INT10 pin input DDR23.4 Set to “0” PFR23.4 Set to “1”
To use INT11 pin input DDR23.6 Set to “0” PFR23.6 Set to “1”
To use INT12 pin input DDR22.0 Set to “0” PFR22.0 Set to “1”
To use INT13 pin input DDR22.2 Set to “0” PFR22.2 Set to “1”
To use INT14 pin input DDR22.4 Set to “0” PFR22.4 Set to “1”
To use INT15 pin input DDR22.6 Set to “0” PFR22.6 Set to “1”