Chapter 30 I/O Ports
3.Port Register Settings
■ P22: The functions of Port 22 are controlled by PFR22
P22[7:0] is input/output for I2C serial communication signals SCL, SDA of channels 0 and 1, CAN serial
communication signals TX, RX of channels 4 and 5, and External Interrupt Triggers INT[15:12]. Otherwise, the
port can be used as general purpose port.
PFR22.7 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is SCL1 open drain
PFR22.6 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is SDA1 open drain, and INT15 input
Remark: This pin supports external interrupt wake up from STOP-HIZ mode. Because of this
the internal input line is not forced to low in STOP-HIZ mode if the PFR is set to ‘1’ and
interrupt is enabled with ENIR1.EN15 set to ‘1’.
PFR22.5 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is SCL0 open drain
PFR22.4 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is SDA0 open drain, and INT14 input
Remark: This pin supports external interrupt wake up from STOP-HIZ mode. Because of this
the internal input line is not forced to low in STOP-HIZ mode if the PFR is set to ‘1’ and
interrupt is enabled with ENIR1.EN14 set to ‘1’.
PFR22.3 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is TX5 output
PFR22.2 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is RX5 input, and INT13 input
Remark: This pin supports external interrupt wake up from STOP-HIZ mode. Because of this
the internal input line is not forced to low in STOP-HIZ mode if the PFR is set to ‘1’ and
interrupt is enabled with ENIR1.EN13 set to ‘1’.
PFR22.1 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Resource function is TX4 output
PFR22.0 0 - Port is in general purpose port mode.
1 - Port is in resource function mode:
Addr 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 initial
PFR22 0D96h PFR22.7 PFR22.6 PFR22.5 PFR22.4 PFR22.3 PFR22.2 PFR22.1 PFR22.0 0000 0000
EPFR22 0DD6h - - - - - - - - ---- ----