Chapter 49 Real-Time Clock
(10) When the second counter counts up to “59”, the counter is cleared next time when the counter counts
up, at which the minute counter counts up, generating a 1-minute interrupt request.
(11) When the minute counter counts up to “59”, the counter is cleared next time when the counter counts
up, at which the hour counter counts up, generating a 1-hour interrupt request.
(12) When the hour counter counts up to “23”, the counter is cleared next time when the counter counts up,
at which a 1-day interrupt request is generated.
(14) The software changes the status of Real-time Clock to STOP. (Set the stop bit (STCR.STOP) to “1”.)
Real-time Clock continues to operate in the STOP state.
(17) The device recovers from STOP mode (by interrupt request).
(20) This (ST=“0”) resets and stops the 21 bit down counter and the hour/minute/second counters.